Jessica Peill-Meininghaus
Make Art Always
Practice IS Perfect

What happens when one woman, a mother of four with a life of chaos and a legacy of unfinished projects, sets out to create a daily practice?
Well, in this case she makes gnomes! Lots and lots of gnomes!
The Gnome A Day Project started in 2012. The blog tracks the journey and progress of what it was like to finally follow through with something and how that impacted my life. It follows my adventures through that first year of trials and tribulations. Through the moves and transitions, it shows the abundance of both gnomes and self-discovery.
I am still making gnomes daily.
I decided that now that I had an embedded daily practice, the only way to complete the experience was to go a year without that daily practice so that I could highlight the ways it had changed me. So I took 2013 off from making a gnome a day. It was an odd feeling but I stuck with it to the very end.
On January 1, 2014, I happily started making gnomes every day again and I continue to do so.
You can visit the blog here.